Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Adolf hitler

a. Birthdate and death date..how old were they when they died?

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in a small Austrian town called Braunau, near to the German border.

Adolf Hitler led Germany throughout world war two. Adolf Hitler killed himself on April 30th, 1945 - just days before Germany's unconditional surrender. Berlin was about to fall to the Russians and defeat for nazi Germany was obvious. Hitler had no intention of letting the Russians capture him and putting him on trial - hence his suicide. 

b.What did they achieve?

He started World War Two in Europe. He claimed Germany needed more living space so he marched into Germanic countries with no apprehensive actions. Then officially started the war with the invasion of Poland. He continued occupying Sweden, Norway, Luxemburg, France, Belgum, Finland, Netherlands, Czecoslovakia, Romania, Austria, Hungary, Lithuania, Lativia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belo-Russia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece and Parts of Morraco, Algeria, Libia, Turkey and united with Italy (and its provinces) and Japan.

c. Describe their family background.

Adolf Hitler was born at the Gasthof zum Pommer, an inn in barunau am inn, austria hungary, the fourth of Alois and kara hitler's six children. Hitler was close to his mother, but had a troubled relationship with his father, an authoritarian who frequently beat him. Years later, he told his secretary: "I then resolved never again to cry when my father whipped me. A few days later I had the opportunity of putting my will to the test. My mother, frightened, took refuge in front of the door. As for me, I counted silently the blows of the stick which lashed my rear end."

He was a poor student, which he later attributed to rebellion against his father, who wanted his son to follow in his footsteps as a customs official.

d.  How does 'history judge them'.   What does that mean?  Is it fair?

In 1913, he moved to Munich and, on the outbreak of World War One, enlisted in the German army, where he was wounded and decorated. In 1919 he joined the fascist German Workers' Party (DAP). He played to the resentments of right-wingers, promising extremist 'remedies' to Germany's post-war problems which he and many others blamed on Jews and Bolsheviks. By 1921 he was the unquestioned leader of what was now the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party).

e.  Find pictures of these individuals, find maps showing where they are from.


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