Tuesday, May 5, 2009

human right

1.  What is a Human Right? Give an example.

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.

2.  Why is your example described as a right?

My example is a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person

3.   Who enforces Human Rights?   

 There isn't an international court to enforce human rights but it is the responsibility of the nation or state to enforce human rights.    

4.   If a right is enforceable, who enforces it?

it is the duty of the nation or state that the violation of right has occurred in to punishment 

5.   Is there any point in describing something as a right if you can't enforce it?

No, because if you believe in it its with all of you then yes there is a point in describing it because there is always a way to enforce it. It might be hard but if you are up for the battle then you can enforce a Human Right. 

6.   Some people say we have a right to an education...what does that mean?  Who enforces it?  Where did this idea come from?

The right to education was universally recognised in 1948 when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was formed. Even though the majority of countries agreed to this not all provide education for the kids in their country. When we say we have a right to an education we mean we have the right to learn to become something great. The people that are meant to enforce the right of education is the country. 

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